8 easy ways to improve your trade website

It’s never been more important to have a website for your business, which also means it’s never been more important to keep them up to date.

If you’re investing more time into your digital presence, we’ve put together 8 easy steps – that are guaranteed to improve your business’ site – to help you get started.

Make it easy to get in touch

For most trade businesses, customers getting in touch for a quote is the first step of the sales process. For that reason, your website should make it as easy as possible for everyone. Clearly signpost your contact page, and ensure it provides a range of avenues for your customers to choose from.

For those who like to talk through their queries, make sure to incorporate contact numbers – including any relevant extensions, so customers can speak to the right department directly. Many people prefer not to speak on the phone, so always include email addresses, and consider other online mediums like contact forms and live chat.

Consider blog posts

A great way to boost your website is through content. Using SEO (search engine optimisation), you can identify keywords and search terms customers use when looking for trade sites.

You can then start crafting content based on that information – not only will this make your site and business more authoritative and trustworthy for users, but it can boost your website up the ranks on search engines like Google and Bing.

Pay attention to loading times

We’ve all landed on a promising looking webpage, only to retreat seconds later when it takes too long to materialise. If your website loads slowly, it’s guaranteed to lose traffic. Whether slow loading times mean visitors stare at a white loading screen, or your website appears jumbled with broken features, it’s guaranteed to put off potential custom.

If you’re unsure about how long it takes your page to load, try visiting your website on a number of different devices and internet connections. You can also use speed measuring tools, like Google’s PageSpeed. If you do find your website is running too slowly, try compressing images, removing scripts or consulting a professional.

Improve navigation

Usability is arguably the most important element to consider when improving your website. Try to imagine using your website from a customer’s perspective – what is it they need to do on your site? Is it simple enough to get there?

Make sure your menus and buttons are well signposted, and encourage the user to move through your site with clear CTAs. CTAs, or “calls to action”, tell the visitor what to do next, and how to get there – for example, “to get in touch, visit our contact page.”

Perfect the design

One of the easiest ways to improve your trade business website is with a fresh new look. If you feel your web design could look cleaner, or your imagery and branding could do with an update, don’t be afraid to experiment.

Of course, you’ll need to ensure your new design still aligns with your branding, but keeping your website looking modern and professional always invites traffic. Just remember not to overcomplicate the navigation of your website by incorporating too many design elements.

Feature testimonials and reviews

When online shopping, many customers look to third party reviews to gauge the trustworthiness of a website. Factoring them into your website is often a great idea, as it lets your visitors know you’re proud of your work, and feedback is important to you.

It can be tempting to create a “testimonials” page on your website, and fill it up with customer case studies and reviews. However, it’s not often people visit these pages when landing on your site. A better idea is to weave reviews and testimonials into relevant pages – customers are more likely to take the time to read them when they don’t have to hunt for them.

Showcase your work

Every tradesperson is proud of their work, but not every trade website showcases it! Make sure to add a visual gallery to your website, putting your excellent work in the spotlight. You may not think your trade is particularly exciting to look at, but customers are always keen to take a look at your way of working before getting a quote.

If you can, take a photo that’s relevant to every service you offer. Make sure to add more recent images whenever you can – clients always like to view the work you did recently over your best job.  

Be mobile-friendly

These days, a lot of web browsing happens on mobile devices. When creating a new business website, many companies spend time perfecting the look and feel of their pages on desktop, but don’t give mobile view the same treatment.

Make sure to optimise your website for viewing on a number of popular devices. It’s common to find that on certain devices, elements of your website may overlap, or images appear at the wrong size. It’s important to catch and resolve these niggles, so everyone can enjoy your website no matter the viewing medium.

For more helpful information for trade businesses, tradespeople and apprentices, don’t forget to take a look at our other blogs. For high-quality ironmongery products for use in a range of trade projects, visit our homepage.

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