After Converting to a Motocross-specific Chain, Got an Unexpected Byproduct! | News

The drive chain is responsible for the very important task of transmitting the engine output to the tires. Although often overlooked, this is the part that should be considered the most in terms of “friction loss”.

Will the chain not go out of control? Can it withstand jump landings? Is it not heavily worn?

A motorcycle is a collection of rotating parts. The piston motion of the engine is converted to rotational motion by the crankshaft, and then the balancer, water pump, gearbox, clutch, drive, chain, tires, and many other parts are ” rotated” in this process. As long as these parts are rotating, there is friction in all of the parts, and as a result, the performance of the motorcycle itself depends on minimizing the loss of friction and blurring of the individual rotating parts.

In terms of friction loss, the chain is probably the most obvious component. However, since most of the public road motorcycles are covered with chain covers, few riders have ever seen a moving chain in action. Next time you have a chance, take a look at the movement of a chain on a motorcycle on the street.

Surprisingly, there is a lot of individual variation, and chains that are not maintained will get out of control and rattled (a chain that is making noise is quite violent.) If the chain is well maintained, you should be able to see the chain running smoothly. In the case of off-road motorcycles, the effect of the chain is even greater, and if the drivetrain does not turn properly, even the rear suspension is affected.

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