OSHA Lockout Tagout Standard | Elements of Osha Standard

OSHA Lockout Tagout Standard

Elements Of OSHA’s Lockout-Tagout Standard

  • Posted On: March 24, 2017

  • Categorized In: Lockout/Tagout / LOTO devices / OSHA Standard

  • Written By: Lockout India

The elements of Osha Lockout Tagout Standard (29 CFR 1910.147) is a 4-page general industry standard, which was first published in 1989. It was formulated with the single aim of preventing accidental startups of machineries and equipments during their maintenance or service. It lays importance on isolating hazardous energy sources and rendering them isolated. The energy sources include hydraulic, thermal, electrical (stored and active current), chemical, gravitational force, pneumatic and mechanical.

A lockout/tagout program includes 3 basic elements:

1. Written Procedures: These written procedures communicate important information workers involved in lockout/tagout procedures and identify what needs to be done and when. They also prescribe the processes of shutdown, isolation and applying and removing lockout/tagout. Such procedures are only needed for machineries with 2 or more energy sources.

The following should be clearly specified:
– Specific machineries and their shutdown/isolation processes
– Where the lockout devices are installed
– How to de-energize stored energy
– How isolation needs to be verified

2. Training Programs: Training is mandatory for two types of employees, namely authorized employees and affected employees, where the former the people who maintain and service machineries and are qualified enough to control hazardous energies, and the latter are those work in close proximity to the machines/equipments being serviced or repaired under lockout/tagout and need to understand the hazards involved.

3. Timely Audits: Periodic audits ensure that the energy control procedures continue to be correctly implemented, the workforce do not deviate from the procedures and are familiar with their responsibilities. It must take place at least annually. These are also helpful in correcting procedural inadequacies.

Basic steps to lockout/tagout program:

1. Preparation – Think and Plan: Think through the entire procedure. Identify the energy sources that must be controlled and the methods which would be used.

2. Communicate and Notify: The authorized personnel needs to communicate the following to the affected employees:
– The machine that would be locked out and why
– How long will the process take
– Name of the employee responsible for lockout
– Who needs to be contacted for further information

3. Neutralizing the Equipments: It involves disconnecting the electricity, blocking the movable parts, releasing the spring energy, draining or bleeding hydraulic/pneumatic lines and lowering the suspended parts to rest positions.

4. Locking Out: Use lockout devices specific to the machinery. There should be as many locks as the people involved in the process and each person should have a personal lock and key placed on the machinery. Further, it should be noted that locks can only be unlocked by those who installed them.

5. Tagging Out: Tag the machineries, controls, and suspended parts. Tags should also include the contact details of and reasons for locking out.

Verify: Before you continue further, verify if the setup is completely locked out or not.

Checkout Our Other Lockout Tagout Products:

  1. Scaffold Tag
  2. MCB Lockout
  3. Lockout Padlocks

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