First Impressions

I will be sharing my learning experience during my internship at Eezee in this blog post. Before I started my internship at Eezee, I first met Jasper, Jun An and Terrence, I felt that they were friendly and approachable. Upon speaking to them, I discovered their strong motivation and enthusiasm for their passions, be it for business, design or programming.

They were keen to teach me whatever I wanted to learn, provided that they could do so proficiently. I was informed that the they were a family-like company where everyone could be comfortable. Hence, the only expectation I went in with was to learn back-end programming. It was a pleasant meeting as they gave me a glimpse of what Eezee was all about as well as how they decided on this project.

I chose back-end development as I am an engineering student and I learnt the basics of C++, C# and C in school. However, learning these languages theoretically and in a school context, is definitely different when putting it into practice at the workplace. Despite my interest in mechanical engineering, I believe that programming is the future, and that a 21st century engineer is one who, at the very least, knows the basics of programming.

My First Week – Learning at Internship

A week later, I began working as an intern of Eezee under the guidance of Jasper, the Chief Technical Officer of Eezee. On my first day, I was given a tour around the office and a glance of what I would be doing for Eezee. As my laptop was sent for repair; the team showed nothing but understanding and permitted me to shadow Jasper.

He told me upfront wanted me to be able to leave Eezee with not only technical skills, but a life skill – being able to teach myself how to learn. He would give me assignments and break it down into smaller tasks with his own suggestions. There was leeway for me to come up with my own ideas and for me to pitch them directly as well. The team encourages and inspires one another to grow holistically and professionally.


Breakdown of a single task

Breakdown of a single task

Building on top of an idea

Building on top of an idea

During that week alone, I could see Jasper’s expertise and love for his craft. I could sense that he believed in Eezee, and the team; and they in turn, did the same.

My Eezee Learning Journey

So far, I have completed a small part of the analytics component on the server-side. The component that I worked on allows us to analyse simple data and trends. I hope to build upon this, to implement more features and make a difference regardless of how minuscule it may be.

Example of an error I have faced

Like everyone else, I still face difficulties learning on my own to complete a task – hence, Jasper is always there when I have questions and when I need someone to bounce ideas off of or to advise me. For instance, when I was debugging my program, sometimes I face errors that I had never seen before. With guidance, I learnt to swiftly track down the point of the error and to resolve it. That is just one of the many difficulties I face during my learning journey at Eezee.

The Start-Up Environment

The environment is amicable and almost family-like. As a team, we acquaint ourselves with other teams and offer help mutually. Beyond working together, we work out together, eat together and take breaks together. Work aside, we discuss other issues be it personal, politics, anything under the sun. The team is truly like family as they try to cater to the different learning and working styles; be it having to work individually or as a group.

Team Eezee’s Dynamics

Everyone in the team tries to influence one another positively. One of the most prominent influence was trying to bounce ideas off one another and developing them; to build someone up, instead of tearing them down. I truly felt empowered that my ideas could grow to actually become something one day; that I could become something more.

Eezee is growing fast, with interested investors and a growing community of buyers and sellers. This growth is remarkable and it is astounding to be able to be a part of this experience. The experience that I gain from Eezee will give me a sense of how some workplaces may operate. I am beyond thankful and appreciative for this internship and learning opportunity and the fact that they take the time to guide me.


My internship experience with Eezee has been a breeze and I have really enjoyed myself. My interest in programming has also been developed and grown. Additionally, I have experienced how useful programming is in real life, specifically Javascript and Nodejs. Truly, I have learnt that when you enjoy something, it will not feel like a chore or an obligation. I would still choose to intern at Eezee if I could decide again, as I have gained more than I could ask for here at Eezee — professionally, technically and holistically. I can attest that being with Eezee, has been easy because of the team.


Interested to read up on more of such stories? Check out Marcus’s – our business development intern – take on his internship journey!

If you are looking for an internship opportunity with Eezee you can send your resume to this email address.