Iron Powder Remover and Wax Polish are Effective for Roughness of the Paint! | News

Whether riding on ordinary roads or on a circuit track, the body and undercarriage of a motorcycle are subject to collisions with a wide variety of objects. In addition to insects crushed by the cowl, when riding in the rain, gravel, sand, and other debris will collide with the bodywork more frequently than on a sunny day. Such dirt is difficult to remove even if you try to wash it off. The rough feeling you get when wiping it off with a rag is especially difficult to remove. Have you ever had such an experience? The truth is that the roughness is actually the true cause of the roughness.
Here, we will report on how to remove such coarseness and how to polish the surface in earnest after the removal.

  1. Roughness felt at the fingertips is rust or iron powder that has pierced through.
  2. Remove and attract iron powder with iron powder clay cleaner
  3. We should also use different scrappers.

Roughness felt at the fingertips is rust or iron powder that has pierced through.

The shine is there, but at the polishing stage after waxing, the rag does not glide, and it feels dry and coarse. Have you ever had such an experience? In fact, the cause of this silky and rough feeling is often iron powder stuck in the paint film. If you lightly wipe the tank and exterior parts with a wet rag and then polish them with a dry rag, you can roughly understand the condition of the exterior parts. If your fingertips and palms are dry, you should be able to understand and feel the condition of the parts by touching them quickly.

Remove and attract iron powder with iron powder clay cleaner

The name differs depending on the manufacturer, but it is generally known as iron powder clay cleaner  (rust clay clay). Fill a sprayer with tap water and spray it onto the gas tank and exterior parts. Use the water droplets to press the clay onto the painted surface and slide it. If there aren’t enough water droplets, the clay will get tangled, so in that case, add some mist.
After pressing the clay firmly against the painted surface and sliding it, I looked at the surface I had pressed and found that there was a dark stain on it. The clay used was pink, but it clearly had dark stains on it. This dirt was actually iron powder that had pierced the paint film. After sliding the clay, the painted surface had a smooth texture instead of a smooth or rough texture.
Actually, the real identity of this roughness is the metal component of the brake pad that has been scraped.

We should also use different scrappers.

When decals or stickers attached to the cowl or exterior look dirty, remove them cleanly before removing dirt and iron powder. Decals and stickers should be heated with a hair dryer (be careful not to overheat when using a heater), and a plastic scraper can be used to remove paint and create a trigger. It is easy to peel off without scratching the paint film.

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